“Restoration Retreats, lead by the dynamic Christian motivational speaker and counselor, Kathy Harrison, is a life changing, spiritual, and clinical (therapy) journey that transforms bad habits and feelings into a true perspective and (positive) potential for one’s life. Restoration Retreats and Kathy’s outpatient counseling is a Biblically-based program with the clinical knowledge and unique insights that Kathy has woven together into this life-restoring retreat. I have found that those who dedicate themselves to a retreat such as Restoration Retreat can find healing beyond what medication can do.”
Micke Smith, PhD, MD
Fellow of the American Academy of Family Medicine
Celebrate Recovery Leader at First United Methodist Church of Plano, Texas
“An upbeat, engaging speaker, Kathy Harrison has her finger on the pulse of women and the issues that often define their lives. Join this with her expertise as a licensed professional counselor and her Biblical wisdom to discover an excellent choice to speak into the lives of the women in your group. With a variety of topics at her disposal, Kathy ably guides women to recognize who they are in Christ, literally transforming lives. Take it from one who has seen it firsthand.”
Marge Lenow
Director of Women’s Ministry
Bellevue Baptist Church
Cordova, TN
“Often there are times when the counseling needs are more intense and require a much longer duration than a Church ministry can offer; Kathy Harrison has enthusiastically taken on the most difficult issues that we have referred to her. She is both professional and personal and is uniquely gifted with incredible insight and instinct and serves the Body of Christ by helping with the most challenging cases we send to her. The feedback that has come back to me has always been of the highest marks!
As the director of our Church’s counseling center, it is a great comfort knowing that we have someone like Kathy Harrison supporting us.
As well as a friend to our church family, she is a personal friend.”
Jamie Fish
Minister, Director of Biblical Guidance
Bellevue Baptist Church
Cordova, TN